Now available for Android (opens the url in the native Android web browsers), UI related options are only available on iOS.
--jpWebView API jpWebView.activate ( sUserToken, sActivationKey ) jpWebView.show ( sUrl, bOptShowWebViewTitle, bOptShowToolbar ) --User notification events: "onWebViewDismissed" ( ) --Note that to be able to show the tool bar, you must include the bundle named jpWebView.bundle to your xCode project. It contains the textures of the toolbar items. The bundle is provided in the additional files of jpWebView.
jpWebView is a plugin allowing you to display a web page as an overlay of your ShiVa game.
It appears from the bottom and has a top bar with a 'Done' button to close the page. In that bar, you can choose to display the website title, no title, or a defined title.
You can also decide to display a tool bar, at the bottom of the view, displaying buttons to be able to reload the page, go to the previously visited page or to the next one.
In addition to these 3 toolbar items, ther's an 'activities' button allowing to:
Note that to be able to show the tool bar, you must include the bundle named jpWebView.bundle to your xCode project. It contains the textures of the toolbar items. The bundle is provided in the additional files of jpWebView.