New functions:
New curves:
Create your custom curves:
--JPTweener API JPTweener.activate ( sUserToken, sActivationKey ) --Browsing eases nCount = JPTweener.getEaseCount ( ) sEase = JPTweener.getEaseAt ( nIndex ) bYes = JPTweener.exists ( sEase ) --Random ease sEase = JPTweener.getRandomEase ( ) --create custom eases. Call them using JPTweener.yourEaseName ( nCoef ) or JPTweener["yourEaseName"] ( nCoef ) JPTweener.createCustomEaseFromConstant ( sName, nValue ) JPTweener.createCustomEaseFromFunction ( sName, fFunction ) JPTweener.createCustomEaseFromPolynomial ( sName, nOptPolynomialCoef1, nOptPolynomialCoef2, nOptPolynomialCoef3, nOptPolynomialCoef4, nOptPolynomialCoef5 ) sType, vValue0, vValue1, vValue2, vValue3, vValue4 = JPTweener.getCustomEase ( sName ) --Custom eases JPTweener.yourCustomEaseName ( nCoef ) --Special eases (0 to 0) nCoef = JPTweener.easePulse ( nCoef, nOptHold, nOptRepeats, sOptPulseCurve1, sOptPulseCurve2 ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeShake ( nCoef, nOptFrequence, sOptClampEase, bOptClampReversed, sOptFrequenceEase ) --Constant eases nCoef = JPTweener.easeZero ( ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOne ( ) --Classic eases (0 to 1) nCoef = JPTweener.easeNone ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInBack ( nCoef, nOvershoot ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInBounce ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInCirc ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInCubic ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInElastic ( nCoef, nAmplitude, nPeriod ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInExpo ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInQuad ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInQuart ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInQuint ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInSine ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInOutBack ( nCoef, nOvershoot ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInOutBounce ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInOutCirc ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInOutCubic ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInOutElastic ( nCoef, nAmplitude, nPeriod ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInOutExpo ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInOutQuad ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInOutQuart ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInOutQuint ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeInOutSine ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutBack ( nCoef, nOvershoot ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutBounce ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutCirc ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutCubic ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutElastic ( nCoef, nAmplitude, nPeriod ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutExpo ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutQuad ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutQuart ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutQuint ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutSine ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutInBack ( nCoef, nOvershoot ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutInBounce ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutInCirc ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutInCubic ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutInElastic ( nCoef, nAmplitude, nPeriod ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutInExpo ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutInQuad ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutInQuart ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutInQuint ( nCoef ) nCoef = JPTweener.easeOutInSine ( nCoef )
JPTweener is the perfect companion for all those who wish to add some transitions and fluidity in their games. With its multitude of transitions, you'll be able to add rich and varied animations to your games.
Its usage is very simple, give it a time factor for instance and it will give you the value corresponding to the transition that you choosed. Rebounds effects, elastic curves, ... the only limit on its implementation will be your imagination! Try the sample below to see what can be achieved with this pack.
You can find all the transitions curves, animated, on this site.
JPTweener also embeds special curves, like pulse and shakes and allows you to create your own custom curves based on polynomial numbers. Don't be afraid it is very simple thanks to the curve generator.
You can also create new eases from constant values or from your own function, JPTweener lets you do everything!
Note that this pack can be combined with JPAnimation. Thanks to JPAnimation, you will not have to worry coefficients anymore, JPAnimation does it for you. Go to the appropriate section for more details.