Frontend, backend and database, I know most of the web development stack, allowing me to be autonomous on creating websites in most cases. On a Node server with Next.js or a PHP server with Symfony, I love creating responsive websites.
As a former worker of the company behind ShiVa 3D, I am also expert in developing cross-platform video games with ShiVa 3D. As this company no longer exists today, I've learned Unity.
I also have very strong skills with iOS development as I have created several native iPhone and iPad apps.
Android Studio
React Native
In a team or not, any code I produce is versionned using GIT. The code quality is very important, I like code reviewing before it is integrated. Tests, continuous integration and deployment are essentials to deliver value continuously without having regressions.
I am used to agility and SCRUM. Sprint, Daily, Epic and Stories are part of my daily life.
#GitHub #GitLab #Shortcut #Trello #JIRA #MantisI invite you to discover a bunch of products that I have made in my Portfolio.
Freelance developer, I create mobile applications, video games and responsive websites.
Web developer at WiziFarm (Reims, France). I have developed websites and mobile apps to help farmers and winegrowers in their daily activities.
iOS and web developer at dmd Santé (Reims, France), start-up in the domain of medicine. I have developed iPhone/iPad applications and websites medical students.
Game Developer at Stonetrip (Villeneuve Loubet, France). I have programmed many video games for both computers and mobile devices with ShiVa 3D.
As a ShiVa 3D trainer for gaming studios, I have also created many tutorials for the ShiVa community.
Two days of cyber-security training, to understand and learn about how to prevent web vulnerabilities of type XSS (Cross Site Scripting), LFI (Local File Inclusion), Client Side Injections (javascript), SQL Injections, Code Injections.
Obtained a License - Computer Systems and Software at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France), following the specific formation: Multimedia and online video games
Obtained a University degree in computer science at the University of Reims (France)
Obtained a High school diploma in sciences at the Léon Bourgeois college in Epernay (France)