

Advertise your games or other games
Version : 2.3
Price : $50
State : Outandroidipadiphone




  • Fixed a bug on Android : notification events were not sent


  • iOS : Built around Chartboost SDK 5.1.5
  • Android : Built around Chartboost SDK 5.1.3


  • Added the simulator side of the iOS binary (was missing in the previous build)


  • Built around Chartboost SDK 5.0 for iOS and Android.
  • Supports Rewarded Videos- Many more functions and constants.


  • iOS library now universal (device+simulator)
  • iOS library now compatible with arm64 architecture (64 bits)


--jpChartboostTest API jpChartboost.activate ( sUserToken, sActivationKey ) --Session jpChartboost.startSession ( sAppId, sAppSignature ) --Interstitials: functions jpChartboost.showInterstitial ( kLocation ) jpChartboost.cacheInterstitial ( kLocation ) bYes = jpChartboost.hasInterstitial ( kLocation ) --Interstitials: User notification events "onChartboostDidCacheInterstitial" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidClickInterstitial" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidCloseInterstitial" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidDisplayInterstitial" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidDismissInterstitial" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidFailToLoadInterstitial" ( kLocation, kLoadError ) --More Apps: functions jpChartboost.showMoreApps ( kLocation ) jpChartboost.cacheMoreApps ( kLocation ) bYes = jpChartboost.hasMoreApps ( kLocation ) --More Apps: User notification events "onChartboostDidCacheMoreApps" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidClickMoreApps" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidCloseMoreApps" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidDisplayMoreApps" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidDismissMoreApps" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidFailToLoadMoreApps" ( kLocation, kLoadError ) --Rewarded Video: functions jpChartboost.showRewardedVideo ( kLocation ) jpChartboost.cacheRewardedVideo ( kLocation ) bYes = jpChartboost.hasRewardedVideo ( kLocation ) --More Apps: User notification events "onChartboostDidCacheRewardedVideo" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidClickRewardedVideo" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidCloseRewardedVideo" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidCompleteRewardedVideo" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidDismissRewardedVideo" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidDisplayRewardedVideo" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidFailToLoadRewardedVideo" ( kLocation, kLoadError ) --Other user notification events "onChartboostDidCacheInPlay" ( kLocation ) "onChartboostDidFailToLoadInPlay" ( kLocation, kLoadError ) "onChartboostDidFailToRecordClick" ( kLocation, kClickError ) --CONSTANTS --kLoadError jpChartboost.kLoadErrorFirstSessionInterstitialsDisabled jpChartboost.kLoadErrorInternal jpChartboost.kLoadErrorInternetUnavailable jpChartboost.kLoadErrorNetworkFailure jpChartboost.kLoadErrorNoAdFound jpChartboost.kLoadErrorNoLocationFound jpChartboost.kLoadErrorSessionNotStarted jpChartboost.kLoadErrorTooManyConnections jpChartboost.kLoadErrorUserCancellation jpChartboost.kLoadErrorWrongOrientation jpChartboost.kLoadErrorUnknown --kClickError jpChartboost.kClickErrorAgeGateFailure jpChartboost.kClickErrorInternal jpChartboost.kClickErrorUriInvalid jpChartboost.kClickErrorUriUnrecognized jpChartboost.kClickErrorUnknown --kLocation jpChartboost.kLocationAchievements jpChartboost.kLocationDefault jpChartboost.kLocationGameOver jpChartboost.kLocationGameScreen jpChartboost.kLocationHomeScreen jpChartboost.kLocationIAPStore jpChartboost.kLocationItemStore jpChartboost.kLocationLeaderboard jpChartboost.kLocationLevelComplete jpChartboost.kLocationLevelStart jpChartboost.kLocationMainMenu jpChartboost.kLocationPause jpChartboost.kLocationQuests jpChartboost.kLocationQuit jpChartboost.kLocationSettings jpChartboost.kLocationStartup jpChartboost.kLocationTurnComplete


jpChartboost allows you to display splash ads as well as a 'More Apps' wall, advertising about your other games or games using the Chartboost network. It all depends on how you setup your Chartboost Advertising Campaign.

Information about the iOS library

  • Built around Chartboost SDK 5.1.5 for iOS

Information about the Android library

  • Built around Chartboost SDK 5.1.3 for Android


  • The jpEventQueue plugin is required (free)

Android requirements

  • Minimum API level 9 or greater (Android OS 2.3)
  • permission: android.permission.INTERNET
  • permission: android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE

Android optionals

  • permission: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
  • permission: android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
  • you should add the following attribute to the activity in the AndroidManifest.xml file if your activity supports different orientations (to achieve smooth video playback during orientation changes):
  • android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize"
  • Add the android:hardwareAccelerated="true" parameter to the tag in your AndroidManifest.xml file to ensure smooth transitions and video playback